Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Techniques on Cleopatra and Anthony Powerplay - 1524 Words

Elective 2: Powerplay – Antony Cleopatra Consider representations of and the interplay of types of power Analyse portrayals of the powerful Consider how the depiction of particular relationships provides insight into the nature of politics Consider the extent to which power resides with the people Techniques Suspense Delays entry of main characters and Caesar Caesar powerful- delayed entrance- magnifies his power for audience (dramatic technique) Soothsayer foreshadowing/foretelling â€Å"You shall outlive the lady whom you serve† (Cleopatra’s death) â€Å"I thou dost play with him at any game, thou art sure to lose† (Antony’s fall to Caesar) Soliloquy- dramatic monologue climatic- heightened sense of the character’s soul†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ See where he is†¦I did not send you†¦If you find him sad, Say I am dancing: if in mirth, report That I am sudden sick.† Cleopatra à   uses feminine nature to indirectly reach absolute power, using seduction to control the most powerful man on earth. Antony loses power as his energies are used to placate Cleopatra rather than do his duties (following her sails during the sea-battle and losing the battle) Cleopatra is more important to Antony’ than his whole empire. †Let Rome in Tiber melt, and the wide arch Of the reign’d Empire fall! Here is my space†¦Ã¢â‚¬  †The strong necessity of my time commands Our service awhile: but my full heart Remains in use with you.† As Antony is to Cleopatra: â€Å"I’ll unpeople Eqypt† As opposed to her male opponents, Cleopatra does not give away any sign of thirst for power. However she uses her feminine nature to try and deceive Caesar as an ultimate attempt after surrending. Her power seems to be effective when Caesar does not even blink as she is caught lying about her personal fortune. In order to keep her honour undamaged, Cleopatra decides to die with her power of decision still intact, by committing suicide by means of the bite of the Nile worm. Power through Deception Antony deceives Caesar by marrying

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